Situation Appraisal

Address complex situations
How do I begin to understand and address this complex issue?
The Process
Situation Appraisal allows stakeholders of complex situations to develop the necessary clarity and understanding to move forward.
Used For
- Conflict resolution
- Airing stakeholder concerns
- Preparing for a new initiative
- Examining a multi-faceted, complicated issue
About Situation Appraisal
Sometimes with complicated issues, it’s hard to know where to begin—especially when opinions differ. Situation Appraisal provides a framework to include diverse stakeholders and build a shared understanding. With increased specificity and insight comes clarity about how best to move forward.
Key Steps

1. See the Issues
Using our questioning techniques, leaders are able to identify key issues and consider all perspectives.

2. Clarify the Issues
Allowing stakeholders to clarify issues is key to a deeper understanding.

3. Assess Priorities
Prioritizing issues is more that just hitting deadlines. Our process helps you get things done right.

4. Name Next Steps
Developing a plan with what, who and by when ensures that the work gets done.