Tag Archives: Innovation

2016 BBT Awards for Strategic Excellence in Education

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh

The Benjamin B. Tregoe Awards for Strategic Excellence in Education honors TregoED districts who achieve excellent results through the collaborative use of TregoED processes.

Changing the way things are done and opening up the decision-making process can bring significant rewards – but also involves risk.   We applaud these and all districts who challenge the status quo by changing not only the solutions they implement – but the way they approach developing these solutions.

Our founder, Ben Tregoe, believed implicitly in the power of people and our ability to work together to successfully tackle any problem through effective thinking and rational action.  These awards celebrate districts who have demonstrated these characteristics.  We are thrilled to announce this year’s winners:

Cabarrus County Schools (NC) for creating a system-wide culture of collaborative decision-making and problem-solving.  They initiated a systematic and collaborative budget process which successfully involved all key stakeholders and garnered critical support. In addition, they are using TregoED processes to improve math achievement and implement a comprehensive school choice plan.

Burlington County Institute of Technology and Burlington County Special Services School District (NJ) – for systemic use of TregoED tools to address district-wide issues including: using data to inform instruction, identifying root cause of achievement issues, achieving vertical alignment of organizational goals, increasing transparency, and capitalizing on new initiatives.

Sewanhaka Central High School District (NY) receives the award for the 2nd year in a row, this time for their excellence in handling a specific organizational challenge: increasing student access to technology.  They used TregoED processes to make tough, collaborative choices around:  choosing a device and platform and developing comprehensive student technology access policies and rollout plans.

Please join us in congratulating these three noteworthy districts for their outstanding and innovative work!