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“So, what do you think?”-A Simple Question with Big Impact
Sometimes one simple question can pack a lot of punch. “What do you think?” is that kind of question. Do you ask it of others? Maybe you ask it regularly – or maybe you don’t ask it all because you think you need to have all the answers. Maybe you ask it of a range Read the full article…
Meet the Challenges of Change Head On
Whether it be “Superintendent churn” or the challenges of change, transitions in leadership are never as simple as handing over a baton. Large urban districts, where school boards deal with substantial amounts of money, strong teachers’ unions and parents from diverse neighborhoods with differing needs are often prone to leadership churn. Small districts, where new Read the full article…

Ensuring student safety takes more than locking the doors
In response to recent school shootings and the cry for increased safety measures to be put in place, many school districts are re-evaluating their procedures, practices and protocols to build an understanding of where there might be gaps or cracks in their current safety and security plans. Safety in our schools encompasses issues well beyond Read the full article…
The How and Why of Investing in Leadership
“As decision-making shifts away from the federal government, it is more important than ever that our nation’s schools be led by individuals who possess the skills and technical prowess to design and adopt school improvement strategies that truly make a difference for kids.” Alison Welcher U.S. Senate Education Committee Testimony Beyond the Ripple Read the full article…
Stop Chasing – and Start Shaping – Consensus
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the FUTURE. – John F. Kennedy As we watch the events unfold around budgets and legislation in Washington, there are lessons to Read the full article…
Shared Learning Experiences Builds Strong Teams
By now you are back from summer road trips, travels or staycations. Memories of flight delays, flat tires, whining young ones and unimpressed adolescents are rapidly fading. These travel hassles can be all-consuming. But once handled, they are soon forgotten. We are left with the good memories, breathtaking scenery, crackling campfires, and shared experience. The Read the full article…

Simple Steps provide Decision Protection Insurance
I saw a tweet the other day, a photo of a new administrative dream team out celebrating their first round of administrative decisions (with the best hot dogs they could find). I wondered whether they had taken out any Decision Protection Insurance, so that their first set of decisions would not be met with Read the full article…
5 Step Road Map to Foster Real Community Engagement
We talk a lot about collaboration these days… it is even identified as one of the 5 C’s required for all kids to succeed. We know it is important, we’ve been saying “two heads are better than one” for decades, but are we practicing what we preach? I bet that there are some fine examples Read the full article…

2016 BBT Awards for Strategic Excellence in Education
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh The Benjamin B. Tregoe Awards for Strategic Excellence in Education honors TregoED districts who achieve excellent results through the collaborative use of TregoED processes. Changing the way things are done and opening up the decision-making process Read the full article…
To Delegate or Not to Delegate – At Least Ask the Question
“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.” John C. Maxwell, American author Few of us aspire to only accomplish “small things”. Yet too often this is all that is possible when leaders have trouble Read the full article…