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Tuscaloosa Team Demonstrates Strategic Steps to Success
As we approach the end of the calendar year, schools are just getting started. Many schools all over the US have lots of new and different” initiatives in the works. Those initiatives may be focused on areas as widespread as achievement gaps, attendance, equity, safety, etc., but the basics of implementing a successful initiative remain Read the full article…
Initiative Overload – Part 2: Avoiding Scattershot Implementation
Often, the thought of “one more initiative” is overwhelming for staff members. Initiatives may come from several different directions – district, department, PLC, etc. and be layered over top last year’s initiatives. Vetting new initiatives to see if you have the capacity and resources to succeed should be your first step (see previous blog). But, Read the full article…
Initiative Overload – Part 1: Can you really do it all?
“Most people have far too many initiatives. Stay focused on your main purpose. There will always be more good ideas than the capacity to execute them.” Sean Covey Luckily there is no shortage of worthwhile ideas or initiatives out there! So many worthy initiatives begin with the hope that this one will be the Read the full article…
Why “Why” is so Important
“Why? Because I said so!” Whether or not you have used this reasoning before, you cannot get through life without hearing it. It is often the answer of a frustrated parent, who is just too tired or too time-crunched to explain, or sometimes, they just may not have a good why! Leaders sometimes communicate this Read the full article…

Simple Steps provide Decision Protection Insurance
I saw a tweet the other day, a photo of a new administrative dream team out celebrating their first round of administrative decisions (with the best hot dogs they could find). I wondered whether they had taken out any Decision Protection Insurance, so that their first set of decisions would not be met with Read the full article…
Courage: One Necessary Ingredient for Effective Change
In October, TregoeD was pleased to award three school districts with the inaugural Benjamin B. Tregoe Award for Strategic Leadership in Education. The award recognizes districts, individuals or teams that have achieved significant and enduring results using TregoED tools. Winning entries demonstrated successful resolution of a critical issue or problem and operational or systemic changes Read the full article…
The Implementation Game: 4 Lessons from the Trenches
Articulating a new strategy can be exhilarating. But once the euphoria of rallying around a common vision has faded, we are left wondering: “how do we make this a reality?” Pretty much all visions are inspiring – but why do so few become realized? Successful implementation is no game – but it is often an Read the full article…
3 Simple Questions to Increase Understanding
You said what???? My belief is that we seem to be losing each other because we are avoiding conversation!! I think I heard what you said, and I think you know what I meant, but, did you??? If there is one thing that brings this fact to mind this week, it is Ferguson. I will Read the full article…
“Passing the Baton” – Four Steps for Internal Leadership Transitions
There seems to be an unprecedented rate of turnovers in district leadership around the country. A changing of the guard, so to speak, can lead to consternation and anxiety within any organization. Ensuring a successful leadership transition is important not only to the stakeholders involved but, because the whole process can create instability, to the Read the full article…
Are you Ready for CCS? 5 Key Elements for Success
When asked about the success of the Standards, Chester E. Finn, Jr., President of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, commented “The biggest potential pothole, by far, is failed implementation (Education Week, April 25, 2012).” Successful implementation – like other major organizational changes – requires strategic and systemic thinking. What’s the district’s role in implementation? How Read the full article…