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5 Best Practice Tips for Communicating in a VUCA World
Are your communications calm, consistent and clear? Or do they reflect the current VUCA environment—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous? Perception is reality. Communication is the key to the public’s perception of how you are managing your world—in crisis or not. Think George Bush—communicating from the site of 9-11—perceived as a “take charge” and “swift, coordinated Read the full article…
Effective Listening: A Simple but Profound Skill
New parents instinctively understand that a toddler’s loss of a teddy bear (or ice cream cone or favorite blanket) is a earth-shaking experience for them. We try to empathize and not belittle their feelings – even while their reaction may work our last nerve. But for some reason, when our kids get older, many Read the full article…
The How and Why of Investing in Leadership
“As decision-making shifts away from the federal government, it is more important than ever that our nation’s schools be led by individuals who possess the skills and technical prowess to design and adopt school improvement strategies that truly make a difference for kids.” Alison Welcher U.S. Senate Education Committee Testimony Beyond the Ripple Read the full article…
Stop Chasing – and Start Shaping – Consensus
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the FUTURE. – John F. Kennedy As we watch the events unfold around budgets and legislation in Washington, there are lessons to Read the full article…
Why “Why” is so Important
“Why? Because I said so!” Whether or not you have used this reasoning before, you cannot get through life without hearing it. It is often the answer of a frustrated parent, who is just too tired or too time-crunched to explain, or sometimes, they just may not have a good why! Leaders sometimes communicate this Read the full article…

Simple Steps provide Decision Protection Insurance
I saw a tweet the other day, a photo of a new administrative dream team out celebrating their first round of administrative decisions (with the best hot dogs they could find). I wondered whether they had taken out any Decision Protection Insurance, so that their first set of decisions would not be met with Read the full article…
5 Step Road Map to Foster Real Community Engagement
We talk a lot about collaboration these days… it is even identified as one of the 5 C’s required for all kids to succeed. We know it is important, we’ve been saying “two heads are better than one” for decades, but are we practicing what we preach? I bet that there are some fine examples Read the full article…
Failure to Communicate
Here is a scenario that you may be familiar with. Trouble is brewing in a local school district. Like many districts, it is experiencing declining student enrollment. Because of projections, the district is considering closing schools. You can feel the tension growing in the community. Policies and cutbacks at the state level have put increasing Read the full article…
Tough Technology Decisions Part 3
Technology decisions in education can be complex and costly. Successful upgrades and smooth implementation depend on many factors – both human and technical. Planning for potential problems and opportunities is one way of avoiding inevitable pitfalls. We asked leaders, David Blattner, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director for Media and Virtual Learning at Iredell Statesville Read the full article…
Tough Technology Decisions Part 2: The Challenges
This is part 2 of our series about handling complex technology decisions based on the interviews of school leaders David Blattner, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director for Media and Virtual Learning at Iredell Statesville Schools in North Carolina, John Guyer, Executive Director of Technology at Summit Academy Management, a free public non-profit Academy for Read the full article…