TregoED Blog — Communication

Tough Technology Decisions: 3 Tips to a Great Start

No one wants to be “that district” where large sums of money were spent on technology devices that are rarely used or worse yet, never make it out of the cartons.  The key to successful technology integration starts early in the decision making process.  We turned to three district administrators charged with making big tech Read the full article…

Transparency: Looking Through the Brick Wall

You can’t escape it these days. It’s everywhere you look: politics, government, social media …and schools. “It”…  is the cry for business…both public,and,occasionally, even personal, to be conducted in an atmosphere of total and complete transparency. A Facebook and Instagram culture expects nothing less than immediate access to anything and everything. Period. What does that Read the full article…

Tearin’ Down Those Silos

Workplace silo:  “A system, process, department, etc. that operates in isolation from others.”(Oxford Dictionaries) We have all run up against silos in the workplace.  We may have railed against their lack of responsiveness, cooperation or incomprehensible procedures. Or perhaps we have worked in a silo, enjoying the “us vs. them” camaraderie while lamenting the unreasonable Read the full article…

The Value of Purpose

To transform lives for the betterment of society. One student, one discovery at a time. -Roy M. Spence, Jr. There has been a lot of focus on the value of purpose. In the latest bestseller, It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For, Roy M. Spence, Jr. chronicles various organizations he has worked Read the full article…