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Use It or Lose It: Making PD Stick
The notion of “summer slide” is familiar to us all – that a certain amount of what is learned during a school year is forgotten or “lost” during the summer or times of disuse. While studies vary, the general finding is that the less certain concepts/skills are utilized, the greater the loss. We commonly lament Read the full article…
Leadership Development – To what end?
It’s hard to argue with the abstract value of building more capable leaders, isn’t it? But what do we want our leaders to be able to do better – and why? Leadership development can help our leaders become more effective and efficient- but how? What does effective leadership look like? Effective leadership is not an Read the full article…
PD that Makes Sense for Everyone
The same professional development for your whole staff? Can PD really take a one-size-fits-all approach? If we believe that collaboration increases our opportunities for success, what organization would not benefit by everyone in every position having the increased capacity to make better decisions and work through complex situations? Even if the decisions or problems are Read the full article…
Side Effects of the Principal Pipeline
Don’t you love the pharmaceutical commercials these days, the drug relieves pain, but there is a long, long list of dreadful side effects that goes by in a flash. Not all side effects, however, are bad. I cannot imagine that the side effects of sharing leadership skills with anyone can be anything but positive. The Read the full article…

Soft Skills: Evidence shows: Spend a Little, Gain a Lot!
There’s something about the term “soft” skills that sounds “less than” – something less important or real than that which is “hard” – think evidence, news, work, etc. But this is a misconception -it’s often the “soft skills” (e.g. teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making, communication, self-awareness) that differentiate leaders and allow them to excel. When a leader Read the full article…
How will ESSA change the face of your PD?
The Every Child Succeeds act is shifting control of funding for professional development from the Federal government to the state and district level. Typical PD is about to change… In many districts, typical teacher and educational leader professional development (PD) has been short term, “sit and get” workshops or conference sessions. With the March 2017 Read the full article…
The 12 Pay-offs of Leadership PD
Just recently, I read a comment made by a board member decrying teachers and school leaders taking time away from “their job” for professional development. It is a sorry state of affairs when a voting member of the board does not understand the full positive impact that professional development can have on every operating aspect Read the full article…