TregoED Blog

The 12 Pay-offs of Leadership PD

Just recently, I read a comment made by a board member decrying teachers and school leaders taking time away from “their job” for professional development.  It is a sorry state of affairs when a voting member of the board does not understand the full positive impact that professional development can have on every operating aspect of a district.

To this end, I offer the last verse (with apologies to all) of:

The Twelve Pay-offs of Leadership PD

On the 12th Day of PD, my Super gave to me:

Twelve Happy Stakeholders

Eleven Issues Clarified

Ten Better Decisions

Nine Deeper Understandings

Eight Departments Collaborating

Seven Productive Meetings

Six Reduced Conflicts

Five Strategies for Success!

Four Data-based Solutions

Three Seized Opportunities

Two Implementation Plans

And a Culture of Excellence!

Districts are not successful by accident!  Professional development is a great way to foster and maintain a culture of excellence in our schools.  Plan for a new year of PD focused on evaluating where you are and planning for where you want to be!

Wishing all of you a holiday filled with good choices, great potential, clearly positive situations, and problems solved from all of us at TregoED!