TregoED Blog

How can more effective thinking improve lives? Ben Tregoe’s legacy…

A Legacy of ….

TregoED is dedicated to helping school leadership, staff and children solve problems and make and implement better decisions.  This, by itself, may not be all that unique….what sets TregoED apart, is the “Tregoe” in “TregoED.”

Ben Tregoe was a man of thought. He spent years observing effective thinkers and problem-solvers, learning how they processed and analyzed information. This research served as the basis for copyrighted “rational processes” or critical thinking strategies.  Ben dedicated his life to helping improve the lives of others through more effective thinking.  His beliefs, formed via research and observation, are the basis of Ben’s life work and our organization:

–          Effective thinking is a skill – not an innate ability reserved for a select few.   It is not dependent on one’s intelligence, education level, job title, or years of experience.  It is in fact, a skill which can be learned and applied by most anyone.

–          People can accomplish wondrous things if they can work effectively together – people are too often underestimated.  People at all organizational levels are capable of accomplishing great things when given the right tools and support.

–          If something is important enough – if it is worth doing – then we need to risk not doing it perfectly.    Important problems are usually tough to address and may not be solved on the first try.  But if we fall short, we are closer to the goal.

These three tenets are the basis of award-winning, time-tested, proven strategies that Ben wanted to share with the world of education.  He had enormous respect and appreciation for education and educators. We are gratified and proud that these strategies have made a difference in many school districts and education organizations across the country.

As such, we are excited to launch our new “Benjamin Tregoe Awards for Strategic Leadership in Education.” We would love for our school districts to share the exciting things they are doing using the TregoED thinking strategies.  The awards will allow us to recognize and honor this work, risk, and results.

We know that many of you out there are living these truths every time you tackle the tough issues that you face.  You have stories to tell that we all could learn from – and we want to share them!  If you are a TregoED school or district, please consider submitting an application for our new awards by August 31, 2015.  If you are not using TregoED strategies, prepare to be amazed by what people can achieve when they work and think effectively together!