TregoED Blog — Decision Making
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Rush to Judgment
Is faster always better? Clearly not when it comes to making tough decisions. Certainly there are times, (e.g. emergency situations) when there is a need for speed. But too often people assume a quick decision is always desirable. In fact, a growing body of research tends to show that the opposite is true. In Great Read the full article…

2016 BBT Awards for Strategic Excellence in Education
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh The Benjamin B. Tregoe Awards for Strategic Excellence in Education honors TregoED districts who achieve excellent results through the collaborative use of TregoED processes. Changing the way things are done and opening up the decision-making process Read the full article…
Because Good Intentions Aren’t Enough…
We have all heard the one about a certain road being paved with good intentions. Wouldn’t it be nice if good intentions and good effort were sufficient? As we know all too well, though, intentions alone don’t count for much without the results to back them up. Decision-makers rarely set out to make a poor Read the full article…
Tough Technology Decisions: 3 Tips to a Great Start
No one wants to be “that district” where large sums of money were spent on technology devices that are rarely used or worse yet, never make it out of the cartons. The key to successful technology integration starts early in the decision making process. We turned to three district administrators charged with making big tech Read the full article…
The Scars of Decision Making
Choices have consequences. Just as wounds in flesh are covered by scar tissue, choices create ramifications—sought and intended…or not. Making decisions is, truly, making choices…and the laws of inevitability affects the conclusions. Some decisions yield positive results; some do not. Consider a small school and the challenges coming from their leader’s decision to safeguard children Read the full article…
Decision-Making Roadmap Prevents Analysis Paralysis
I ran across a graphic today that said “Overthinking – The art of creating problems that weren’t even there.” Face it, we have all done it. Some of us are really good at it -lay awake nights just, well, overthinking things. You might feel that overthinking can help you make better decisions, but the reality Read the full article…
Discover a Better Decision-making Approach
How are you most likely to approach a controversial or difficult choice? Do you typically open up the process to others and their ideas – or batten down the hatches until ready to present your conclusions? Undoubtedly, you have experienced the challenges involved in either approach. However, the answer to this question, though, may well Read the full article…
Making your Budget Decisions Make Sense
“When I am getting ready to reason with a man, I spend one-third of my time thinking about myself and what I am going to say – and two-thirds thinking about him and what he is going to say.” – Abraham Lincoln Think back on unsuccessful recommendations that you or others may have made. There Read the full article…
The Barriers to Decision-Making Excellence
Making an excellent decision is an often challenging—and sometimes elusive—pursuit. Many elements must come together to make this happen. So, what’s stopping you? Despite all the compelling reasons to use collaborative decision making, it typically is used less often-and less effectively-than it should be. In theory it sounds compelling. But in practice, it can be Read the full article…
The Unasked Question
In “The Road Not Taken”, Robert Frost pays tribute to the tantalizing possibilities presented by each of 2 diverging roads – and the consequences of having to choose just one. Decision-making can be a bit like that, can’t it? Making one choice means forgoing another. Choices are often driven by the questions asked – or Read the full article…